Creatively Winging it With Nick Adams

It’s a viral sensation, all thanks to people being put on hold. Nick Adams is a versatile copywriter and the brains behind the renowned Pizza Hut chicken wing song. He started his journey in the mailroom at GSD&M, but his persistence and creativity led him to become a writer, crafting memorable campaigns and even winning prestigious awards. On this episode, Chris delves into Nick's unique creative process, his comedic style, and his thoughts on current trends in branding and marketing. They also explore his passion for comedy and desire to make impactful, humorous content in the advertising world. Tune in to hear about Nick’s fascinating career and the creative minds behind some of your favorite ad campaigns.

Show Highlights
(0:00) Intro
(2:21) Nick's education and musical background
(3:04) Getting started in the GSD&M mail room and working his way up
(5:53) Creating the Pizza Hut chicken wing hold music and going viral
(7:25) Nick's musical creative process
(8:45) What came after the song?
(9:44) Nick's current work post-Pizza Hut
(10:34) Nick's involvement with Second City and his creative process
(12:50) How will AI and TikTok affect marketing?
(13:46) Nick's other creative interests
(15:06) What brand does Nick admire most right now?
(16:41) Where you can find more from Nick

About Nick Adams
Nick Adams is a copywriter at GSD&M.
He love chips, salsa and going to bed at a decent hour. His current hobbies include changing diapers and surviving wake windows, but he prefers bikes and basketball when he has the time.

Nicks website: