Brand Positioning Episodes

July 10, 2024

Finding Your Own Definition of Success with Erika Biddix

Erika Biddix began her professional journey the traditional way, following the path of a promising student to a corporate job. In this episode of We Built This Brand, we learn how she found her true calling at a corporate mee...

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May 29, 2024

Rebranding for the Better with Paul Sponcia

Rebranding your business can be an exciting process where you reorient it into something greater than before. However, change isn’t always easy. Paul Sponcia of the IT Company knows a thing or two about change and the growing...

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July 26, 2023

Crafting a Community-Based Brand with Zack Roskop

Zack Roskop is the owner of Knox Brew Tours and Knox Brew Hub, and while people might know him as a local craft beer expert, what many don’t realize is he’s also a natural-born marketer. On this episode of We Built This Brand...

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